About Us

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Members are beginners on leads through to experienced, competitive riders from the ages of 3 to 24. Any rider under 17 years of age must have a parent or other designated adult responsible for them on the grounds when mounted. Only Dural Pony Club members 24 years and under are allowed to ride at our rally days and competitions.

Pony Club Colours are Black & Gold.

In the photo you can see examples of the shirt, tie and jumper for rally day/winter uniform. Summer uniform is a polo shirt. All of these items are available to buy through the club. If you are not sure about any item of uniform or gear please check with the club before purchasing.

The Dural Pony Club uniform consists of:

  • Helmets – must comply with Pony Club Australia Safety Guidelines – please click here to review
  • Beige / Oatmeal or plain Black jodhpurs or riding trousers (stockman cut or moleskin) – please click here to review Guidelines on page 15
  • Boots – must comply with Pony Club Australia Guidelines – please click here to review page 12
  • White long-sleeved shirt and DPC yellow and black striped tie
  • Black V-Neck jumper
  • Yellow DPC saddle cloth
  • Black and Gold polo shirt with DPC emblem for summer
  • Only Associates (17 years and over) may wear long black boots or gaiters.
  • Chapettes can be worn by riders under 17 years at rally days only, but NOT in competitions

Full uniform is compulsory at rally days and competitions. Please see the handbook for details. The saddlecloths, jumpers, ties, polo shirts and spray jackets are available from DPC.  A DPC cap with emblem can also be purchased. If you are unsure about the suitability of any clothing or gear it is wise to check with the pony club before purchasing it.


Rally days’ are our regular meetings and are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from February to November, including school holidays. Pony Club accredited instructors (volunteers) provide supervision and instruction on thDPC – grinning ponye different disciplines including dressage, showjumping, sporting, eventing and show riding, as well as horsemanship. Sometimes professional instructors come along to teach in a particular discipline. Rally days are usually planned with reference to our Closed Competition Days, so that riders know what each competition entails, including preparation and familiarisation.

Rally Days start with gear check and two sessions prior to lunch and one after lunch, then concluding around 2 – 3pm. Our canteen is open throughout the day offering breakfast, morning tea and lunch.

Riders must pass a gear check before they can take part in the activities. We have a point score system for gear check with points awarded for attendance, punctuality, correct uniform and cleanliness of horse and gear. Only pony club uniform and gear that is approved by the PCA and in good condition will be passed. The Dural Pony Club Handbook lists suitable tack for pony club. If you have any questions about new or unusual gear ask our club captain for advice.


Dural Pony Club is part of ZONE 23 of the Pony Club Association of NSW along with Arcadia, Avondale, and Forest Hills and Kenthurst Pony Clubs.

Zone Championships are held for each of the disciplines each year so that our members can gain experience at a higher level of competition.  Please refer to our Handbook for other relevant information. The Zone may also run regional schools where instruction from professionals is provided and subsidised by the Zone.

The highlight of the calendar is the Zone Jamboree, a two day competition held at year end which all members are encouraged to attend and represent Dural Pony Club, not only for the competition, but to meet riders from other clubs as well. 

Zone 23 website: www.zone23.com.au


President – Sylvana Boyd

Vice President – Greg Hankins

Secretary – Leanne Boyce

Club Captain – Genevieve Boyd

Treasurer – Stephen Boyd

Senior Instructor – Lorraine Carter

Protection Officer – Greg Hankins

Safety Officer – Peta Hope

Club Corporate Member – Lorraine Carter

Zone Delegates – Lorraine Carter and Greg Hankins

Reserve Zone Delegates – Liz Irwin and Leanne Boyce

Become a Member

Click here to start your Pony Club journey.